Stop ignoring, minimizing. and dismissing your desires. They are there for a reason. They’re calling you to expansion.
After I moved to Hawaii, I felt like I “didn’t deserve” to manifest anything else so I stopped dreaming and honoring my desires. I felt guilty because I was experiencing my ultimate wish so who was I to want to keep manifesting more?
The more I minimized what I truly wanted, the more things broke down. My decision making was off and I’d waver between building my business and working jobs I didn’t truly want.
I felt like moving to Hawaii was one thing, but having the freedom to build a business I love and create a lifestyle I love was another and I kept sabotaging it. Finally, last year I gave myself full permission to have it all and to dream fully again.
I share this because we are the only ones stopping ourselves from living our dreams.
Once we wholeheartedly decide to honor our desires, things come together in the most incredible ways. It’s simply up to us to say yes to ourselves.
Side note: this beach is 15 minutes from the airport (who would’ve thought) and it’s the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen!